Crossfit Training in Marbella

CrossFit Marbella

CrossFit is the new big boom in the world of fitness, and everyone can do it.

CrossFit is an intense exercise program featuring dynamic exercises like plyometric jumps, and Olympic lifts while using non-traditional weightlifting equipment such as kettlebells, sand-bags, suspension systems or water-filled implements.

The program is structured in such a way that participants are challenged to do a certain number of repetitions in a workout in a specific time frame; the more advanced CrossFit participants will actually compete against each other to see how fast they can complete the daily workout and post their results on the CrossFit website.

To learn more about CrossFit training in Marbella, please get in touch with Personal Trainer Marbella by contacting us. We are here to help you with all of your CrossFit needs.

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Personal Trainer Marbella
Ricardo Soriano, 8
Marbella, 29601 Spain
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